I still believe that simple fear is the most efficient killer. The fear mongering by the media and the governments will have killed most of those excess deaths, directly and indirectly.

Fear killed old people directly by literally scaring them to death but also through the lockdown. Few things are more deadly to old people than isolation, inactivity, and the loss of normality.

Fear killed the younger ones directly by scaring them into suicide, drug abuse, depression. Inactivity, weight gain, missed diagnoses, postponed cancer screenings and procedures dont go unpunished. Economic crises, mass job loss, loss of life savings and livelihoods almost always lets the death rate increase dramatically.

I dont believe for a second that we would have had any significant excess deaths safe for the usual annual flu harvest spikes among old people if our governments had just ignored the whole fuzz in the media like they reasonably used to do in the past.

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You are not wrong BUT “missed diagnosis, postponed cancer screenings and procedures” generally do not apply to young adults. Statistically, the 20-30s crowd don’t develop cancers en mass so when they do, you have to look for another reason. If they drop dead, it’s unlikely that a basal cell skin cancer is the cause.

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True. Though I expect cancer cases to rise among the younger populations due to the jabs, the mask wearing for many hours a day in jobs or in schools (less O2, more CO2 in blood), and again chronic fear. It's pure speculation though, one would need to check the actual numbers.

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Fear scared many into taking an experimental shot, too.

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Fear does kill. Look what happens to the aids patients.

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Even in COVID patients fear is one of the top risk factors for death.

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Very interesting analysis. Thank you for covering this!

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Hey - I'm trying to understand why the Millenial's excess death rate jumped BEFORE Covid started- it looks like there was a significant level of excess deaths in Jan/Feb 2020.

Any idea why?


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Uptick caused by: Accidental Overdoses, Homicide, Car Accidents, Liver Disease, & Heart Disease.

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Flu? https://time.com/5758953/flu-season-2019-2020 2019-2020 "Flu Season on Track to Be Especially Severe, New CDC Data Suggests" (of course, is it really influenza ...)

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‘Completed vaccination’ meant either two or three doses. This way they shoved the 1 dose then die in the unvaccinated category.

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Exactly. This is why I think most of the 'covid' death after the genuine first wave of Covid were due to the vax after 1 shot while being officially "unvaccinated". I believe in western countries most "Covid" death occured during the vaccination period.

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"if our governments had just ignored the whole fuzz in the media like they reasonably used to do in the past" This is a whole different ballgame; the government and media are working hand-in-glove to sustain an unsustainable narrative. It is going to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, crimes against humanity.

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We are seeing just the beginning of this crime against humanity. People must prepare themselves in every way: physically, mentally, and most important, SPIRITUALLY (in my opinion)!

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Bombshell analysis, apparently vax is a mass killer and has to be pulled immediately, but instead some countries are even doubling down and are planning mandatory vaccination for all adults, like Germany...

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Appreciate the honest look at data which, to me in all honesty, seems to show the vax was not as deadly as often implied. Another commenter referenced New Zealand data indicating the same. Yes some risk perhaps but not as much initial risk as covid itself. This was always my assumption from a broad overview of data. My greater concern was the long term detrimental effects of the vax. Those appear to already be cancelling some of the initial benefit. Unfortunately the health authorities are trying their best to hide those effects by hiding vax status in data. Wish they were as honest as the author of this article.

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Jojoba: I appreciate you are being careful and open-minded. I agree with the concern about long-term consequences.

Regarding your point "Yes some risk perhaps but not as much initial risk as covid itself," I do not see that in the analysis.

If anything I see for 40-49 the Covid risk is and always has been low. Lower than non-Covid (third chart), except for briefly during winter 2020-21. And that assumes no categorization errors on deaths (Covid vs. Non-Covid). With the incentives for hospitals to attribute deaths to Covid, one has to assume there is at least some material component of categorization error.

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In my extended family (I'm the only unvaxxed outsider) I have seen in one month following the booster among family members: atrial fibrillation (age 78), tumor on salivary gland requiring urgent surgery (52), crippling migraines (55), myocarditis (25 yr old pilot now grounded), herpes + cysts+ heart pain (77), severe abdominal pain (82).........

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Good God in Heaven!

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But have you considered this:

That COVID wave was a lot worse for unvaccinated people in the 75+ age group, but overall that group had a high vaccination rate compared to 30-50 olds.

Also to proof causality you have to consider the actual vaccination rate of that age group and not the overall percentage of a population.

Looking at these two graphs, I don't come to the same conclusion as I don't see the correlation.



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@Milo Mac Newsletter

Poor data set logic

To see if vaccines were related to excess deaths you would compare vaccine rates per country/area with excess deaths

Start here

1 Gibraltar 100% 41,421 21/04/2022

2 Brunei 100% 443,811 19/08/2022

3 Palau 100% 18,332 24/08/2022

4 Pitcairn Island 100% 47 29/08/2022

5 Puerto Rico 99.4% 2,691,745 24/08/2022

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Please remake the same graphs but with vaccinations/day instead of cumulative vaccinations. It would be so much clearer! I think you'd see deaths correlated to, but lagging vaccinations by 30-60 days. As it is, I see no correlation.

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All the non-covid consequences are a factor too. (Socio-economic)

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First, thank you for your analysis. It is graphic and helpful for those with eyes to see.

If you move the dotted blue line over to meet the excess death line, there is an almost perfect match. It occurred 4 months after vaccination of these groups. It is almost like magic or taking a timed-release pill.

We could make a case that the vaccine protected those vaccinated during this 4 month period, then its efficacy dwindled, and the immune systems of the vaccinated weakened resulting in a steep rise in all cause mortality. This conclusion could only get worse over time.

Last, since early treatments and preventatives were suppressed or outlawed, cause of death coding skewed, and hospital protocols for Covid flawed, - the CDC. data on cases and mortality expose the CDC as a corrupt organization at best.

All we have seen for the past two years is a pack of lies designed to create fear and coerce everyone from from age 6 months to 100 to take shots that do not work and actually DO HARM.

Has this time actually increased TRUST IN SCIENCE?




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Nice article. That difference in all-cause mortality among the 75+ vs. 24-49 cohorts really shocks me. I'll have to think about that.

For #2, the claim would have to be that vaccines kill people in great numbers at about 3 months after injection? Seems pretty doubtful. Also, why wouldn't ADE effect the 75+ cohort?

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Maybe the older group are less efficient in creating the spike protein

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Great work, it might be clearer to compare growth rates of vaccinations versus growth/decline rate of excess mortality rather than nominal excess mortality.

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I have issue with the Blue Dashed line. Why is it not "you got a jab" . Let's assume that one jab could cause a problem. that would shove that blue dash line to the left.

I personally would do three lines. One Jab, two Jabs...three jabs.

Not sure if that data is out there but it might help with these charts

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Data set for this analysis included 1 and 2. I used 2 for the blue line.

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Can you plot the 1 jab line? maybe Green for Good? Blue is a good line for 2 since

"Code Blue" in hospital is never good

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